the shiny of bank jatim performance
Date: 31 october 2013Categories :

As a public company and has been listed on IDX since 12 July 2012, Bank Jatim again participate in the Investor Summit in 2013 this is the second time followed by the Bank Jatim.
The event is coordinated by the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), OtoritasJasaKeuangan (OJK), KliringPenjaminanEfekIndonesia (KPEI), and KustodianSentralEfekIndonesia (KSEI) was held at the Grand City Mall & Convex, Jl WalikotaMustajab Surabaya Thursday (31/10). In the event themed "Indonesia Capital Markets: An Engine Of Economic Growth", Bank Jatim, which is represented by the Top Management also explained of Financial Performance the position September 2013.
The event is coordinated by the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), OtoritasJasaKeuangan (OJK), KliringPenjaminanEfekIndonesia (KPEI), and KustodianSentralEfekIndonesia (KSEI) was held at the Grand City Mall & Convex, Jl WalikotaMustajab Surabaya Thursday (31/10). In the event themed "Indonesia Capital Markets: An Engine Of Economic Growth", Bank Jatim, which is represented by the Top Management also explained of Financial Performance the position September 2013.
The purpose of the Investor Summit is implemented so that shareholders and the communities that have limited access in terms of knowledge about the stock / company performance, can be helped and have enough information about the financial performance of various companies / issuers that have listed on the Exchange, then later could determine the investment direction for the better and more precise targeting.
As for the Bank Jatim performance per September 2013 is progressing very encouraging compared to the September 2012, Bank Jatim recorded a profit before tax of Rp. 704.2 billion to Rp. 948.5 billion in September 2013, a rise of 34.69%. This is supported by net interest income rise 21.61% is the contribution of loan interest income was up 11.36% or equivalent to Rp. 208.7 billion and placement in other banks (time deposits) up by IDR. 72.7 billion or 47.55%.
As for the Bank Jatim performance per September 2013 is progressing very encouraging compared to the September 2012, Bank Jatim recorded a profit before tax of Rp. 704.2 billion to Rp. 948.5 billion in September 2013, a rise of 34.69%. This is supported by net interest income rise 21.61% is the contribution of loan interest income was up 11.36% or equivalent to Rp. 208.7 billion and placement in other banks (time deposits) up by IDR. 72.7 billion or 47.55%.
In addition, non-interest operating income September 2012 of Rp. 251.4 billion to Rp. 333.3 billion, up 32.56% in September 2013.
As for the Bank Jatim Financial Ratios September 2013 has increased significantly, especially in relation profitable ratio, among others, increased by 0.55% ROA, ROE grew by 0.8%, and the NIM increased by 0.37% (YoY). In addition, the efficiency of the company also increased with a decrease in BOPO of 6.7% since September 2012 to September 2013. For Gross NPL per September 2013 decreased from 3.13% to 3.29% in June 2013.
In terms of assets, as of September 2013 Bank Jatim recorded the assets of Rp. 35,508,757 million (unaudited), grew by 10.1% from last year's Rp. 32,850,811 million (unaudited). Acquisition of assets was mainly obtained from the increase in Third Party Funds (TPF) of 8.67% and 15.34% for lending.
While for the acquisition of TPF, in Year on Year Bank Jatim also recorded growth to Rp. 28,669,423 million, this figure grew by 8.67% from the previous year to Rp. 26,381,599. As for the largest contribution to the acquisition of these TPF contributed by the type of savings of Rp. 7.6223 million or grew 17.76%.
In terms of acquisition of credits also increased to Rp. 21,526,816 million, or grew by 15.34% YOY. The largest contribution to the lending contributed by the type of SME loans through Credit Pundi Kencana increased significantly by 104.16% to Rp. 425.7 billion (September 2013) and mortgage rise 83.39% or Rp. 941.4 billion (September 2013).
As for the Bank Jatim office network per September 2013 also further continued expansion in order to improve services, with a total of 985 network consists of 41 branch offices, 103 Suv Branches, 154 Cash Office, 151 payment points, 58 Cash Car, Car Cash ATM 6, 423 ATMs, 1 ADM, and 47 office channeling.
In 2013 it was opened 2 Sharia Branch, 58 Sub Branch, 2 Sharia Branch, Cash Office 49, 42 payment Point, 130 ATMs, Cash Mobil 3 ATM and 1 car Cash Counter.
Additionally, it will also open 45 units in the micro-region that includes the Gate Kertasusila Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, Gresik, Babat, Mojokerto, Jombang, Kediri, and Madiun with implant systems in branch offices and Sub Branch in that region. Total planned until year 2017 there will be approximately 400 units of micro Bank Jatim are scattered throughout Bank Jatim Network.
With excellent financial performance growth and potential for the development of micro-credit as a reference continues pep up Bank Jatim in order to achieve BPD Regional Champion at the end of 2014. (Lni / cap)