Tabungan SIMPEDATake advantage of the various facilities and benefits SIMPEDA savings that will provide convenience and comfort for you to perform multiple banking transactions as our wish to provide the high customer satisfaction.


  1. Providing convenience and speed of transaction
  2. Savings rate is calculated on daily balance
  3. SIMPEDA Saving prizes were drawn 3 times in a year, at regional and national levels.


  1. Fill out the form of customer data (CIF)
  2. Fill out an application form savings account
  3. Submit the copy of identity (ID card, driving license, passport/other)
  4. Minimum first deposit is Rp50.000,00
  5. Minimum Subsequent deposit is Rp50.000,00
  6. Minimum Any remaining balance is Rp50.000,00
  7. The administration fee per month Rp8.000,00 (without ATM services)
  8. ATM administration fee Rp5.000,00


  1. Online / Realtime
    Online and real time transaction is the form of convenience that we provide to our customers. With this facility, transaction deposits and withdrawals can be made from and to all Unit of Bank Jatim as Bank Jatim is 100% on line to all Branch Offices, Branch Offices and Cash Offices.
  2. Lucky Draw
    Each Simpeda qualified customers (based on certain savings condition) will be included in the lucky draw with a very interesting Prize worth at Rp 12 billions. The prize was drawn 3X per year (twice for the national coverage and once for regional area).
  3. ATM Card
    Bank Jatim ATM card means a transaction of 24 hours a day. Bank Jatim ATM card can be used for cash withdrawal transactions, payment of telephone, water, electricity, SMS Banking and transfers between accounts Bank Jatim, inter account fellow members of the Joint ATM and ATM Prima, and Balance Inquiry.

Terms, conditions/for more information about our products, please contact Info Bank Jatim 14044 or visit branch offices Bank Jatim.