SiKLUS Prioritas Saving
A saving account specified for Jatim Prioritas customer with privileges and convenience in transaction
- Terms
- First Deposit = Rp 10.000.000 (except for the special type of Jatim Prioritas customers)
- Minimum Balance = Rp 10.000.000 (except for the special type of Jatim Prioritas customers)
- Monthly Administration Fee = Rp 5.000
- ATM Administration Fee = Rp 5.000
- Privileges
- Jatim Prioritas card as an ATM card, a customer identification card, and a card that can be used as an applicable payment card at merchants collaborated to Bank Jatim and Jatim Prioritas.
- The interest rate of Siklus Prioritas Saving Account is higher than any other type of saving account in Bank Jatim
- The daily transaction limit on e-channel facilities is higher than any other type of saving account in Bank Jatim