SiKLUS Saving
Take advantage of the various facilities and benefits of SIKLUS Saving (Tradisi Keluarga Sejahtera) which will provide ease and convenience for you to conduct banking transactions, as our orientation to high customer satisfaction.
- Providing convenience and speed of transaction
- Savings rate is calculated based on daily balance
- Fill out the form of customer data (CIF)
- Fill out an application form of savings account
- Submit the copy of identity (ID card, driving license, passport/other)
- Minimum first deposit is Rp50.000,00
- Minimum Subsequent deposit is Rp50.000,00
- Minimum balance after transaction is Rp50.000,00
- The administration fee Rp7.500,00,00/month
- ATM administration fee Rp5.000,00/month
- Online Realtime
is a form of convenience that is provided to our customers.With this facility, any transaction deposits and withdrawals can be made from and to all Branches / Offices Cash of Bank Jatim because Bank Jatim on line to all Branch Offices, Branch Offices and Cash Offices. - Bank Jatim ATM
You can use your ATM card as a mean of transaction, 24 hours a day.Bank Jatim ATM card can be used for cash withdrawal transactions, payment of telephone, water, UN, electricity, SMS Banking and transfers between accounts of Bank Jatim. Bank Jatim ATM cards are also incorporated in the ATM Bersama network for cash withdrawal, balance inquiry and transfers. Currently Bank Jatim ATM cards can also serve as a debit card, under Prima network so that customers can use the Bank Jatim ATM for debit card transaction in places with Prima symbol.
- Take the advantage of the various facilities and benefits which is providing ease and convenience to conduct your business transaction with foreign currency in saving account Bank Jatim.
There are 5 types currenc, such as : USD, SGD, EUR, JPY dan HKD. and you also have benefit free minimum balance charge - Requirement :
- Fill the customer data form (CIF)
- Fill the saving account form
- Copy of Valid ID Card, Driving license, passport, etc
- Copy of NPWP (tax ID)
Initial Deposit Minimum Balance USD - USD 100 USD - USD 100 SGD - SGD 100 SGD - SGD 100 EUR - EUR 50 EUR - EUR 20 JPY - JPY 7500 JPY - JPY 2500 HKD - HKD 400 HKD - HKD 100
- Take the advantage of the various facilities and benefits which is providing ease and convenience to conduct your business transaction with foreign currency in saving account Bank Jatim.
Terms, conditions/for more information about our products, please contact Info Bank Jatim 14044 or visit branch offices Bank Jatim.