more easy to pay vehicle tax on ATM bank jatim
Date: 16 october 2012Categories : All News
You want to pay Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) with fast and efficient service? Now, Bank Jatim will be able to serve customers who make payment PKB via e-Samsat Jatim. Payment can be made ??through bank Jatim ATMs spread across the East Java.
The easy way is the result of a mutual agreement between the Bank Jatim, East Java Police Department and Dipenda East Java Province billing system that contains the data in e-Samsat. Also, the result of collaboration between East Java Police Department Ditlantas, Dipenda East Java Province and PT Jasa Raharja (Limited) on the use of the network (net) integrated (host to host) between Samsat Jatim and Bank Jatim in e-Samsat Services E-payment mechanism PKB Samsat through ATM Bank Jatim:
- Taxpayers access to the website e-Samsat Jatim ( select city and KB Samsat origin, enter plate number vehicles and a random number (which appears on the web halamn);
- After data verified, it will display information PKB payment amount to be paid by the taxpayer in the form of the amount of PKB (principal, penalties, interest, progressive), SWDKLLJ (principal and penalties) as well as parking subscription.
- If the Taxpayers is willing to pay, the website will display the identification of ownership which Taxpayers must complete chassis number and number BPKB of motor vehicles owned;
- If verification of ownership right by system, the website will feature a selection of locations KB Samsat city and where Taxpayers wants to take his tax notice;
- When the selection of the location of the notice has been made??, the website will feature a selection of the banks paying PKB and its range of facilities such as ATM banking, SMS banking, PPOB, Internet Banking, etc. provided by each bank;
- After all the above options are correct, taxpayers will receive payment booking code called pay code;
- Taxpayers pay using a code received from the website e-Samsat Jatim to access chosen bank or pay PKB;
- When the transaction is completed paid off, the bank will issue a code channel proof of payment transactions pay PKB called evidence;
- The evidence will be used Taxpayers to perform attestation STNK one year, and printing notice PKB on-site Joint Office Samsat that you originally selected by bringing BPKB, original vehicle registration and ID cards a maximum of 7 days after the payment in the bank channel. (admin)