bank jatim opens 6 unit sub-branches office in territory bi kediri

Date: 15 january 2013

Categories : All News

Bank Jatim expand the network operational by opening 6 (six) Sub Branches Office (Capem) new BI Territory Kediri, Friday, 28/12.
that is Capem Kendal & Kedunggalar Ngawi,capem Plaosan Magetan, Capem Pagu District Kediri, Capem Kandangan District Kediri, Capem Panggul Trenggalek.

The purpose of opening this Sub-Branches Office, according to President Director of Bank Jatim Sukrianto Hadi, can provide value and benefits for entrepreneurs and economic actors and is expected to facilitate the people of East Java in accessing banking services. This is due to the function of this branch is the embryo of the branches, the main access to credit can be served at the branch offices, "said Hadi.

Hadi also added, with the existence of two sub-branches is expected to increase economic growth in the area through a process of accelerated credit services spread over different areas, "said Hadi.

furthermore, for the plan to increase the branch network of Bank Jatim in 2013 "we will concentrate development in East Java to establish 2 Branch Office Sharia, 2 Sub-Branches Office Sharia, 28 Branch Office, 10 Cash Offices, 100 ATMs, 37 Payment Point and / or total new network as much as 196, "explain Hadi.

Besides trying to kept expand the network operational, Bank Jatim also provides a focus on service delivery and information technology-based products. ATM Card Bank Jatim held today than can be used in Terminal ATM Bank Jatim, can also be used in the  ATM Prima network with more than 22,374 the number of ATM terminals, ATM Bersama with the number approximately 31,079 ATMs and terminals can be used in networks Malaysia Electronic Payment System (MEPS).

ATM Card Bank Jatim can also be used for debit transactions at merchant BCA, which logo Prima Debit. "The advantages of ATM Bank Jatim than other banks is the facility free of charge cash withdrawal throughout the network  ATM Bersama  and Prima. Going forward, Bank Jatim is also planning to provide internet banking services for banking transactions more convenient and comfortable, "Hope Hadi.(cap)