tim futsal bank jatim champions di turnamen extra joss – jossdiator wilayah surabaya

Date: 12 july 2013

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Tim Futsal Bank Jatim Champions di Turnamen Extra Joss – Jossdiator  Wilayah Surabaya

In an effort to develop hobbies and talents towards the positive is the highest possible achievement, Bank Jatim Futsal Team participated in Jossdiator Futsal Tournament which was held in the grounds of Yamaha Jl. Panglima Sudirman Jakarta, Saturday & Sunday (8-9/7).

In Futsal Tournament organized by the national company of Extra Joss energy drink which is held in ten cities across Indonesia, the Bank Jatim Futsal team came out as the first champion to Surabaya. With the win the cash prize of Rp. 8 million, and the right to represent Surabaya region to compete at the national level against Champion Teams from other areas in Jakarta next 24 to 25 August.

In the tournament lasts 2 x 10 mins out wearing no rules, no corner, no break in the arena surrounded by a cage, the Bank Jatim Futsal team managed to bulldoze all opponents faced perfectly with unbeaten start of the preliminary round to round final. Besides out as a champion in the tournament, Bank Jatim Futsal team also managed to obtain a more prestigious degree is the Best Player that were achieved by Amri M. Imran, and Top Scorer by Budi Setyo to notch a total of 14 goals.

Anan Susanto as Futsal Team Manager Bank Jatim expressing gratitude for the support of all of the Bank Jatim, both from the employees to the management level to Bank Jatim Futsal team came out as champion.

"We on behalf of Bank Jatim Futsal Team expressed many thanks to the entire extended family and Management of Bank Jatim who had been providing moral and material support to us, this title for us all," said Anan.

In addition to still continue to struggle at the national level which would have to pull out all the abilities to the fullest in the face of Champion Teams from other regions, Futsal Team of Bank Jatim was motivated by the grand prize winner if it worked out as at the national level is to get Cash Rp. 25juta and Colleseum Trip to Rome, Italy. 

"Therefore, we ask permission and blessing prayers and support of all, Bank Jatim Futsal team may be able to obtain maximum results that could be the name of Bank Jatim a higher level through this futsal," please Anan. (cap)