Suroboyo Bridge Ramadan Festival Helps MSMEs Go Upmarket

Date: 16 april 2023

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SURABAYA, April 15, 2023. As a form of bankjatim's commitment to always improve services and facilitate all transactions to all elements of society, bankjatim Perak Branch has organized the Suroboyo Bridge Ramadan Festival in collaboration with the Surabaya City Government.

The activity was held on April 15, 2023 as a form of gratitude to the people who have given trust to bankjatim to be a financial solution. The grand performance held at the Suroboyo Kenjeran Bridge was also attended by the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi and Director of Micro, Retail and Medium bankjatim R. Arief Wicaksono.

Arief explained, the Suroboyo Bridge Ramadan Festival was enlivened with various activities. One of them is a bazaar exhibition followed by 100 tenants. Of course, all transactions can be done with bankjatim QRIS, in line with the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT) program initiated by Bank Indonesia to provide convenience for buyers and sellers.

In the grand exhibition there are also UMKM fostered by bankjatim that sell a variety of products. This is a form of bankjatim's seriousness in supporting MSMEs to upgrade. "In addition to inviting MSMEs fostered by bankjatim in this activity, we have also provided productive credit facilities for capital assistance, production equipment, packaging tools and others," he explained.

It is undeniable, bankjatim credit throughout 2022 experienced satisfactory growth. That is, it grew by 8.06% compared to 2021. The increase in bankjatim lending occurred in all segments, including MSMEs. In fact, credit in the MSME sector was the highest contributor to the increase, namely an increase of 26.24% (YoY) or recorded IDR 6.34 Trillion until the end of 2022.

Significant growth in the MSME sector was supported by the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) which was quite large, namely Rp 104.6 billion during 2022. This shows the success of bankjatim in supporting government programs in increasing MSMEs through the KUR Program.

Not only lending, the issuer with the BJTM code also provides MSME training in terms of financial literacy, digital printing product photos, and strategies in penetrating the retail market. According to Arief, bankjatim is committed to continue to support the programs of the regional head, especially those that support regional economic growth such as empowering MSMEs.

"After yesterday's downturn because of the empowerment of MSMEs.

"After yesterday's downturn due to the pandemic, we will continue to encourage MSMEs through various socialization programs, MSME markets, exhibitions, literization, and MSME clusters with the hope that MSMEs in all regions can rise. Empowered MSME activities like this will also be carried out by all bankjatim branches, "he explained.

On the occasion, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi highly appreciated the Suroboyo Bridge Ramadan Festival. According to him, this is an extraordinary event and hopes that events like this are often carried out. "The synergy between bankjatim and the city government is very important to be able to support each other. Because I believe bankjatim can encourage MSMEs to grow and at the same time can drive Surabaya's economy. Thank you to bankjatim," he said.

Aside from the bazaar and UMKM exhibition, there are several other series in the Suroboyo Bridge Ramadan Festival activities. Such as traditional games, moslem fashion show competition, live music, people's market, and many more.