Net Profit Grows 12.76%, Bank Jatim Performance Is Pretty Proud

Date: 15 january 2018

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In order to provide information disclosure, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) bankjatim conducts analyst meetings and press conferences to present the financial performance of the 2017 financial year (audited) at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Hotel, Jakarta (15/01).

Bankjatim's financial year 2017 financial performance showed good performance and grew when compared to the same period the previous year (Year on Year / YoY). Based on financial statements for the financial year 2017 (audited), bankjatim assets are recorded at Rp. 51.52 trillion or growing 19.72% bankjatim net profit recorded 1.15 trillion, grew 12.76% (YoY).

During 2017 bankjatim's Third Party Funds grew tremendously by recording a growth of 21.48% (YoY) of Rp. 39.84 trillion. The significant growth of third party funds indicates that public trust in bankjatim is increasing. In addition, the achievement of TPF was strengthened by CASA bankjatim ratio of 69.89%, where for more than 14 years, the CASA ratio of bankjatim always showed above 65%.

In the midst of global economic conditions which are still unstable in 2017, bankjatim is still able to record a growth in credit distribution of 31.75 trillion or growing 7.01% (YoY). Credit in the consumption sector was the highest contributor in 2017, which amounted to 22.29 trillion or grew by 12.42% (YoY)

Bankjatim's financial ratio in December 2017 was better than the previous year, including Return on Equity (ROE) of 17.43%, Net Interest Margin (NIM) of 6.68%, Return on Assets (ROA) of 3.12%, efficiency on Operational Costs compared to Operating Income (BOPO) from 72.22% to 68.63%.

The trend of increasing bankjatim share price (BJTM) is also a concern of the public, considering that during 2017 BJTM's share price growth reached 17.60% which was closed at the level of Rp. 710 / share at the end of 2017. Also this year, BJTM posted the highest share price in history since the IPO in 2012 which was Rp. 840 / share in April 2017.

Good performance in 2017 also did not escape the management strategy in 2017 which added 2 (two) new directorates, namely: Director of Finance and Director of Risk Management. With the addition of 2 (two) directors, the division of labor became more focused.

The Finance Director was occupied by Ferdian Timur Satyagraha, and the Director of Risk Management was held by Rizyana Mirda. Better improvement of Human Resources is also Bankjatim's top priority, this was done by appointing a new Director of Compliance and Human Capital, Hadi Santoso replacing Eko Antono who resigned in mid 2017

History was also created in early 2017, for the first time bankjatim expanded its services outside Java by opening an operational branch precisely on the island of Batam. Batam became bankjatim's first destination to serve the banking and financial needs of the community. Batam is considered capable of being a bankjatim field in providing services and satisfaction in transactions, especially for entrepreneurs and traders who have inter-island trade, especially with East Java.

In 2017, Bankjatim also continues to innovate products to improve the best service for customers. bankjatim cooperates with several insurance companies in Indonesia by launching bancassurance products. One alternative product to facilitate the need for long-term investment accompanied by life protection benefits for bankjatim customers.

To support the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT) launched by Bank Indonesia, bankjatim also actively promotes electronic money (e-money) through Flazz bankjatim, the result of a bundling of bankjatim products with BCA.

As of December 2017, the number of bankjatim networks has reached 1,608 service points consisting of 1 Head Office, 48 Branch Offices, 166 Sub-Branches, 199 Cash Offices, 191 Sharia Service Offices, 88 Car Cash Offices, 88 Car Cash, 723 ATMs and 2 CDMs.

as the core, bankjatim business plan in 2018 is:

  1. In terms of loan, bankjatim will facilitate loan applications with e-credit. Services that provide information and services to MSME players and the people of East Java. Continuing the program triggered by East Java Governor Soekarwo, bankjatim continued to channel the East Java Provincial Government Loan Agreement loans to MSMEs in the primary and secondary industrial sectors with highly competitive interest rates;
  2. Bankjatim's increase in Third Party Funds is also a matter of high priority, with savings programs such as the Siklus Bunga Plus and Giro Plus believed to still be able to attract people to save at bankjatim;;
  3. The increase in branchless banking has also become a concern of Bankjatim in 2018, until December 2017 there were 214 Laku Pandai Agents and 2,117 customers who were successfully captured.