Launching e-Kantin, SMATAG with Bank Jatim

Date: 15 march 2018

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Since the Government launched the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT), the community has become accustomed to conducting transactions without using cash. People start to be comfortable with the cashless payment system using cards, besides being faster in transactions, safer and certainly more economical.

GNNT is now starting to explore the world of education. In Surabaya, Surabaya's August 17th High School (SMATAG) became a pilot for the implementation of e-canteen in East Java. To support payment, SMATAG cooperates with bankjatim, which has Bank Jatim Flazz card facilities as e-Canteen payment instruments. Bankjatim Surabaya Branch Head of Operations (PBO), Budi Sumarsono, on the sidelines of the launch of e-Canteen said that currently bankjatim is processing the e-Canteen application from many schools. "If other schools in regencies / cities in East Java are interested in applying this pattern, they can contact the local bankjatim branch," added Budi Sudarsono.

Some of the advantages of using Bank Jatim Flazz cards are that students can be more selective in spending their pocket money on the card. Save more time as well as pocket money, because the amount paid is in accordance with the amount of the bill, there is no change in the form of candy.

The implementation of the e-Canteen is one of the efforts to make SMATAG a favorite school, hopes of parents and students. The Principal of SMATAG Prehantoro said that the use of e-Canteen cards, became a breakthrough of the Education Foundation August 17, 1945 (YPTA) ​​as the manager of the SMPTAG, SMATAG, Polytechnic and Untag as well as support for Government GNNT.

To get a Bank Jatim Flazz card, it's easy enough, just come to the nearest bankjatim office in your city and buy Bank Jatim flazz card for
Rp. 25,000 with a top up balance of at least 100 thousand to a maximum of one million