Bank Jatim consistency wins back at Investor Summit and Capital Market Expo
Date: 22 august 2014Categories : All News

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or the Bank Jatim again won "The Best Exhibitor" in the Investor Summit and Capital Market Expo 2014 held at the Grand City Mall & Convex, Surabaya (20-21 / 8). This suggests that the two times that of any participation, Bank Jatim won the award.
"This is a very proud award, Bank Jatim outperformed 27 other companies, including Bank Mestika Darma, Bank Danamon, Panin Asset Management, KDB Daewoo Securities, Logindo and others. This award adds to a collection of Bank Jatim achievements in the field of capital markets has been obtained, including the index entry InfoBank 15 Compass 100 index as well as the Best Exhibitor ISCME 2013 This shows the consistency of the Investor Relations Unit at Bank Jatim Corporate Secretary in carrying out his duties. "Said Hadi Sukrianto , Director of Bank Jatim.
Hadi added Bank Jatim as much as possible contributed to the success of the programs that have been implemented by the Indonesian Stock Exchange ISCME like this one.
"The event was held by IDX generally have the aim of providing education to the community, therefore the Bank Jatim continues to succeed and excel participate in every event like this ISCME. Moreover Surabaya, the opportunity to host this event at the same time can be closer to the community and provide disclosure information about Bank Jatim," said Hadi.
Slamet Budi Susetyo, Acting Corporate Secretary, Bank Jatim said that according to the theme, Bank Jatim's booth at the show this time ISCME concept "waroeng" is in the set-up in such a way to look comfortable for the visitors of the exhibition.
"In Waroeng Bank Jatim, we also offer a wide range of products such as Savings ungulan to visitors Simpeda and Cycle Savings Bank Jatim, in addition to the opening of any bank account and purchasing cards in waroeng Bank Jatim Jatim Flazz directly to get the prize. Well done to the public education of banking products among others about the facilities and services of Bank Jatim, Jatim as well as bank loans share information about Bank Jatim with code BJTM," explained Budi.
Responding to the success of Bank Jatim won the Best Exhibitor in the event ISCME East Ferdian Satyagraha, Senior Investor Relations Analyst Bank said the Bank Jatim Jatim has been prepared everything carefully.
"When we decided to participate in this event, we were prepared with a very mature, such as how to create a good interaction between staff and visitors, making an attractive booth design and fit the theme, train guard helpfull and informative booths and get the most visitors. It was created also by holding a coin in a fish bowl guessed, promotion sessions and quizzes through MC and invites visitors to climb to the public stage, "he explained.
Ferdian added in addition to successfully defend The Best Exhibitor award, this years the results of realization also increased.
"Obtaining a number of new customers in the booth increased Bank Jatim. Of years ago as many as 14 million people with a nominal Rp37,1, this years acquired 25 million people with a nominal Rp43,7. And when last year the number of guests who visit the booth of 400 people, this years the increase in the number 560. This data can be used as a target customer references who can be contacted, "continued Ferdian.
In addition to participating with a booth opening, the Bank Jatim ISCME event also presents the performance of the Board of Directors to the visitors who on average are potential investors who want to know the performance of the company before deciding to invest.
In his explanation to the participants, Sukrianto Hadi said the company went public as Bank Jatim is committed to work harder. The effort proved futile. Bank Jatim's financial performance period July 2014 increased when compared with the same period last year (Year on Year / YoY), which among other things seen from the growth of total assets of Rp36,68 trillion (up 9.61%), Third Party Funds amounting to Rp29 , 39 trillion (up 8.78%), loans amounting Rp25,26 trillion (up 20.67%), interest income of Rp2.27 trillion (26.39%), profit before tax of Rp860,41 billion (up 25.45%) and net profit of Rp612,59 billion (up 25.18%).
"In addition, the growth performance of Bank Jatim in the period July 2014 is also visible from the Company's financial ratios please register including CAR 21.69%, 3.94% ROA, ROE of 21.34%, 7.24% NIM, ROA 66.60%, LDR of 85.94%. "said Hadi.
Hadi added that good performance this further improved by the Bank including Jatim by developing technology-based products, increase revenue through dealing rooms, as well as the optimization of micro-credit is predicted to grow more rapidly forward.
"Synergy is intended to allow Bank Jatim continues able to demonstrate sustained growth in every line and become the best bank. Based on these facts, BJTM stock is very good with a choice of investment fundamentals that support future growth and profitability." Said Hadi. (pr/med)
"This is a very proud award, Bank Jatim outperformed 27 other companies, including Bank Mestika Darma, Bank Danamon, Panin Asset Management, KDB Daewoo Securities, Logindo and others. This award adds to a collection of Bank Jatim achievements in the field of capital markets has been obtained, including the index entry InfoBank 15 Compass 100 index as well as the Best Exhibitor ISCME 2013 This shows the consistency of the Investor Relations Unit at Bank Jatim Corporate Secretary in carrying out his duties. "Said Hadi Sukrianto , Director of Bank Jatim.
Hadi added Bank Jatim as much as possible contributed to the success of the programs that have been implemented by the Indonesian Stock Exchange ISCME like this one.
"The event was held by IDX generally have the aim of providing education to the community, therefore the Bank Jatim continues to succeed and excel participate in every event like this ISCME. Moreover Surabaya, the opportunity to host this event at the same time can be closer to the community and provide disclosure information about Bank Jatim," said Hadi.
Slamet Budi Susetyo, Acting Corporate Secretary, Bank Jatim said that according to the theme, Bank Jatim's booth at the show this time ISCME concept "waroeng" is in the set-up in such a way to look comfortable for the visitors of the exhibition.
"In Waroeng Bank Jatim, we also offer a wide range of products such as Savings ungulan to visitors Simpeda and Cycle Savings Bank Jatim, in addition to the opening of any bank account and purchasing cards in waroeng Bank Jatim Jatim Flazz directly to get the prize. Well done to the public education of banking products among others about the facilities and services of Bank Jatim, Jatim as well as bank loans share information about Bank Jatim with code BJTM," explained Budi.
Responding to the success of Bank Jatim won the Best Exhibitor in the event ISCME East Ferdian Satyagraha, Senior Investor Relations Analyst Bank said the Bank Jatim Jatim has been prepared everything carefully.
"When we decided to participate in this event, we were prepared with a very mature, such as how to create a good interaction between staff and visitors, making an attractive booth design and fit the theme, train guard helpfull and informative booths and get the most visitors. It was created also by holding a coin in a fish bowl guessed, promotion sessions and quizzes through MC and invites visitors to climb to the public stage, "he explained.
Ferdian added in addition to successfully defend The Best Exhibitor award, this years the results of realization also increased.
"Obtaining a number of new customers in the booth increased Bank Jatim. Of years ago as many as 14 million people with a nominal Rp37,1, this years acquired 25 million people with a nominal Rp43,7. And when last year the number of guests who visit the booth of 400 people, this years the increase in the number 560. This data can be used as a target customer references who can be contacted, "continued Ferdian.
In addition to participating with a booth opening, the Bank Jatim ISCME event also presents the performance of the Board of Directors to the visitors who on average are potential investors who want to know the performance of the company before deciding to invest.
In his explanation to the participants, Sukrianto Hadi said the company went public as Bank Jatim is committed to work harder. The effort proved futile. Bank Jatim's financial performance period July 2014 increased when compared with the same period last year (Year on Year / YoY), which among other things seen from the growth of total assets of Rp36,68 trillion (up 9.61%), Third Party Funds amounting to Rp29 , 39 trillion (up 8.78%), loans amounting Rp25,26 trillion (up 20.67%), interest income of Rp2.27 trillion (26.39%), profit before tax of Rp860,41 billion (up 25.45%) and net profit of Rp612,59 billion (up 25.18%).
"In addition, the growth performance of Bank Jatim in the period July 2014 is also visible from the Company's financial ratios please register including CAR 21.69%, 3.94% ROA, ROE of 21.34%, 7.24% NIM, ROA 66.60%, LDR of 85.94%. "said Hadi.
Hadi added that good performance this further improved by the Bank including Jatim by developing technology-based products, increase revenue through dealing rooms, as well as the optimization of micro-credit is predicted to grow more rapidly forward.
"Synergy is intended to allow Bank Jatim continues able to demonstrate sustained growth in every line and become the best bank. Based on these facts, BJTM stock is very good with a choice of investment fundamentals that support future growth and profitability." Said Hadi. (pr/med)