MOU with the muhammadiyah islamic bank jatim east java
Date: 12 july 2010Categories : All News
MoU with the Muhammadiyah Islamic Bank Jatim East Java
DIRECTOR Agribusiness & Islamic Business Bank Jatim Regional Chairman Faiz with the Chairman of Muhammadiyah (PWM) Java Thohir Prof Dr Luth, signed a memorandummemorandum of understanding(MoU)
According to Faiz, is actually a crystallization MoU partnership with Islamic banks.Islamic Bank Jatim is one of the two banks is the choice of PWM Java. "Previously, the PWM filter Jatim eight banks including Islamic banks especially Bank Jatim Sharia. Finally for the first phase of the agreed upon is Bank Jatim and Bank BNI Syariah Sharia, "said Faiz who was accompanied Sharia Branch Bank Jatim, M Pramudya Iskandar, the Trusted.
Islamic Bank Jatim, continued Faiz, has worked with Java PWM because they want to build a business network, especially Java shariah business unit which is inline.Therefore, there is potential for financing and funding among the education sector, health sector and the economy. "Included in it was the development of micro-medium enterprises through business around real mothers and Cooperatives Aisyiyah Sharia incorporated in BTM (Baitul Tamwil Muhammadiyah) managed more professional and well-organized,"he said.
In the education sector, he said again, this time in East Java have 1300 PWM Kindergarten (TK), 437 elementary schools (SD), 270 Junior High School (SMP), 194 high school (SMA) with a total of about 360 thousandstudents .While as many as six university colleges with a number of students about 50 thousand. The health sector has 29 hospitals and 72 clinics spread across East Java.
While in the field of economics, PWM Java has more than 100 BTM / BMT / KJKS / Kopsyah and the BPRS in Pasuhuan, and 1 other SRB are in the process of establishment.Average assets BTM / BMT Rp 3 billion of assets ranging between $ 2 billion s / d U.S. $ 20 billion per BTM / BTM, whereas SRB assets of Rp 12 billion. Besides, it also has 173 women's cooperatives and 25 cooperative corporation (BUEKA Assakinah) with total assets of USD 13.9 billion and a total membership of 7693 people. Not only that, the organization has 328 members set Muhammadiyah employers with about 1,700 members of the Association of Employers Aisyiyah (IPAS).
PWM role in the economy of East Java in the organization to contribute funds of bank deposits in East Java from social institutions with an estimated 20% -30% of the deposits of the source.In 2010, total deposits of social institutions of Rp 2.7 trillion. In fact, Java PWM also contributed in the construction sectorthrough the development of the East Java capital spending many charitable efforts Muhammadiyah in East Java with a value of nearly USD 200 billion.Besides, it also provides funding to approximately 25,000 micro enterprises through BTM / BMT / Kopsyah and SRB. "Now, with the potential that we will later plot that can be accessed anywhere," said Faiz.
Mapping in question, he explained again, for example in the education sector may be able to work on is the SPP ranging from kindergarten to college. "While some universities in the PWM Java Java is in partnership with Bank of conventional, but if there is a policy will have to move to Islamic banks, then do not get the program off to other Islamic banks, but we hope to be able to remain on the Bank Jatim Sharia, "he hoped.
Did not rule out further cooperation developed with funding the provisionof Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Bank Jatim."Perhaps among the Muhammadiyah in East Java there is a relatively poor so there should be scholarships for smart students. Or maybe CSR can be realized with the surgery, but everything should be along the lines of the CSR policy of Bank Jatim, "he explained. Added, inDecember 2010 the Bank also cooperates with Java Java PWM conductTraining of Trainers(ToT) which is implemented by teachersenterpreunersElementary and Secondary Education Council PWM Java with Java Bank worth USD 125 million.
Besides Prof Dr Thohir Luth, from East Java PWM present in this MoU include Nadjib Hamid Secretary, Treasurer Syaifudin Zaini, Ir Muhammad Najikh (Chairman of the Economic and Entrepreneurship), Dr Biyanto mag (Chairman of the First and Secondary Education), Dr Sholihul absor MARS (Chairman of the Trustees of Public Health), Dr Esti Martiana (Aisyiah Chair), Drs Abdullah Smith (CEO BUMM) and Dra Nelly Asnifati Hj (Chairman Puskop BUEKA As Sakinah).
This cooperation, continued Faiz, could use the experience of Islamic Bank Jatim has been working with development agencies, micro / small built by multinationals in East Java."Also increase the share of financing / credit for the development of education and health services. Islamic Bank Jatim forward as business institutions and PWM Java and all citizens expect cooperation can provide serious benefits and value to each party, as well as a bank Muhammadiyah. "Just remember the Islamic Bank Jatim, remember Muhammadiyah. Remember Muhammadiyah, also remembered Islamic Bank Jatim. So God willing, "please Faiz.
Actually cooperation with PWM Bank Jatim East Java has existed for a long time.In addition to finance Teachers EnterpreunersToT, Jatim Bank Sharia channel capital investments Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital in Jl KH Kholil 88 Gresik Rp 4 billion.As for the University of Muhammadiyah Ponorogo still in the filing of financing amounting to Rp 5,000,000,000.
Another collaboration with conventional PWM Bank Jatim East Java, namelypayroll salaries and multipurpose loans Muhammadiyah Hospital Jl KH Mas Mansur 180-182 Surabaya Muhammadiyah elementary and 4 Pucang Pucang Anom 93 Jl Surabaya."We also provide investment loans SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Pucang Park 1-2 Jl Surabaya Surabaya, SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya Surabaya Jl Pucang Park 1-2, RS Muhammadiyah Jalan KH Mas Mansyur 180-182 Surabaya, Surabaya Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya Jl Sutorejo 59. Total investment financing disbursement of Rp 12 billion, "he concluded.