Improve ETPD Implementation, Tuban Regency with Bank Jatim Launching KKPD

Date: 27 december 2023

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TUBAN, 19 DESEMBER 2023. Dalam rangka meningkatkan penerapan Elektronifikasi Transaksi Pemerintah Daerah (ETPD), Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Tuban bersama dengan bankjatim dan BNI telah meluncurkan Kartu Kredit Pemerintah Daerah (KKPD). Bertempat di Pendopo Kridho Manunggal Kabupaten Tuban, acara launching tersebut dihadiri oleh Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten Tuban Budi Wiyana dan Direktur Keuangan, Treasury dan Global Services bankjatim Edi Masrianto pada hari Selasa (19/12) malam.

Edi mengatakan, adanya KKPD ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk mengubah transaksi pendapatan dan belanja local government from cash to digital-based non-cash. In addition, it can also increase Regional Original Revenue (PAD), especially in the regional tax system in Tuban Regency. "The launch of KKPD is also in order to fulfill the needs of the Regional Work Unit (SKPD) for payment instruments based on applicable laws and regulations," he said.

According to Edi, the implementation of KKPD is very useful to increase the turnover of local government money so that it is expected to spur economic growth in the community. The KKPD resulting from collaboration between bankjatim and BNI is used as a credit card to make payments for expenditures charged to the APBD. For this reason, bankjatim hopes that the use of KKPD in Tuban Regency can provide many benefits. Among other things, reducing idle cash from the use of work unit inventory money, increasing security, reducing the potential for fraud, and minimizing the use of cash.

His side is very grateful because the cooperation that continues to be established by bankjatim with the Tuban Regency Government has always produced results. Especially in terms of the growing world of government finance. "We hope that bankjatim can continue to work together and be committed in providing support for various work programs carried out by the Tuban Regency Government. Hopefully bankjatim can always be a good working partner for the Tuban Regency Government and our services can continue to be useful for customers, especially the people of Tuban," said Edi.

Meanwhile, Regional Secretary of Tuban Regency Budi Wiyana stated that KKPD is one of the instruments for control in regional financial management, with the concept of non-cash transactions using credit cards. "KKPD is one of the controls in managing the regional financial budget to be more transparent and accountable. The implementation of KKPD in Tuban Regency is very sustainable with the spirit of the Regency Government to conduct non-cash transactions," he said.

His party hopes that the KKPD can optimize the increase in PAD that may not have been detected before to be detected. KKPD can also facilitate Pemkab transactions and at the same time can accelerate economic turnover.