Encouraging Economic Growth, Bank Jatim Conducts Financial Inclusion Week

Date: 10 october 2018

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The second week of the week in October 2018, was announced by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) as the month of financial inclusion with the theme "Synergy Encourages Acceleration of Access to Finance". Financial inclusion is OJK's routine agenda to educate, campaign and provide socialization related to finance, both banking, financing, capital markets, pawnshops, insurance, and other financial institutions. This year, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa TImur Tbk (bankjatim) conducted a financial inclusion week which was centered in Ponorogo Regency. Not without reason for choosing Ponorogo as the executor, it was noted in the report submitted, that the bankjatim of the Ponorogo Branch had the potential to open the largest Simple account from another branch. As of September 2018, the total achievement of child savings (Simpel savings) bankjatim is Rp. 37 Billion with 200 thousand accounts. bankjatim should be proud that banking education at an early age has been well implemented.

The event which took place at SMK PGRI 2 Ponorogo was attended directly by the Deputy Director of Supervision of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan 4 and Licensing, Kuswandono, Director of Medium Corporate bankjatim, Suudi, Director of Risk Management bankjatim, Rizyana Mirda, Ponorogo Regent, Drs. H. Ipong Muchlissoni and Head of the Ponorogo District Education Office, Dra. Hj. Tutut Erliena, M.Pd took place quite lively. Involving no less than 1000 kindergarten students to high school and / or vocational school in Ponorogo, this financial inclusion activity also involved siPandai bankjatim (smart laku agent) agents and several bankjatim MSMEs debtors in the Ponorogo Branch. It is expected that after this activity, more and more people will become more literate in banking and not hesitate to transact and use banking services, especially bankjatim. Because bankjatim, the best for you.