Bank Jatim Supports the Construction of Mushola in Probolinggo
Date: 02 april 2024Categories :
PROBOLINGGO, April 2, 2024. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) always continues to provide benefits to the surrounding community through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) bankjatim Peduli. This time, the CSR assistance provided was in the form of building a mushola in the Gelora Merdeka Stadium area in Kraksaan, Probolinggo Regency. Located at the Gelora Merdeka Stadium, the assistance was symbolically handed over by SEVP Corporations, Syndication, and Institutions bankjatim Koerniawan Prijambodo and received directly by Pj. Regent of Probolinggo Ugas Irwanto on Tuesday (2/4).
Bankjatim President Director Busrul Iman explained, bankjatim's support in the construction of this mushola is expected to have a positive impact on the community. "Because, the existence of a clean mushola can certainly improve the comfort and welfare of the surrounding community in worship, especially in this Ramadan month. Hopefully this CSR from bankjatim can be a place for comfortable worship facilities for visitors, the community, and business people in Probolinggo Regency, "he said.
According to Busrul, mushola is a place to perform worship, especially the five daily prayers for Muslims. With this mushola, the congregation now has a comfortable and decent facility to carry out their religious obligations regularly. "In addition, musholla is also a place to teach religious values, ethics, and morals to children and the younger generation. Thus, prayer rooms play an important role in the formation of good character and upholding good values," he explained.
Busrul added, the construction of mushola in the Gelora Merdeka Kraksaan Stadium area is the result of close collaboration between bankjatim and the Probolinggo Regency Government. In addition, the assistance is also a form of love and concern bankjatim to the people of Probolinggo Regency who have given their trust and support to the company in developing the business.
"It is an obligation for us to always work together to build and encourage a community in Probolinggo Regency.
"It is an obligation for us to always synergize to build and encourage a region in East Java to be able to have a good level of service. Hopefully the synergy between bankjatim and Probolinggo regency that has been well established so far, can continue to be developed to provide more benefits in the community so that more and more will be helped again, "said Busrul.
Meanwhile, Pj. Regent of Probolinggo Ugas Irwanto expressed his deepest gratitude to bankjatim for the assistance that has been given. He hopes that synergy and collaboration can continue so that it can bring blessings to the community. "Hopefully in the future this gor can also be a means of social interaction for the community because the place is quite wide so it can be used as a rest area for people who have traveled far. Well, for worship facilities, it has been facilitated at Mushola Merdeka," he said.