bank jatim sub-branch office pogot focus on pattern approach to the customer, press down npl to 0%
Date: 19 july 2013Categories : All News, All News

Sub-Branch Office which is located not far from Suramadu Bridge and effective operations in 2011, it has an 'achievement' Non Performing Loan (NPL) zero percent.
Head of Bank Jatim Sub-Branch Pogot Leni Hendrati Ismuningsih explained, there are no special tricks to maintain NPL 0%. "We're just more attention to customers," he explained.
Pogot is areas that are in Kenjeran, Surabaya. The majority of the local population works in the informal sector such as trade, scrap metal business, snacks and general merchants. For Endorsing the region's economy, Bank Jatim Sub Branch Pogot loan portfolio to Rp 21.5 billion or 295 percent of the target of Rp 7.29 billion. The majority of the loan amount to Rp 50 million to Rp 100 million.
Leni explains some tips to keep NPL fixed the range of zero percent, the officers implementing control system when the loan schedule. Such as the installment payment due on July 12, then July 7 customer has been contacted. So when July 10 is not paid, officers asked further the problem. "We did not hesitate to come directly ask the customer problem, so the problem can be directly solved," said Leni.
Head of Main Branch Bank Jatim Hadi Santoso said, the approach taken as Sub Branch Pogot only need Armed with painstaking. Pattern applied in the Pogot expected to be a role model for other branches of Bank Jatim. "If Pogot could, certainly other branches could also, "he added. (cap)