Bank Jatim CSR for the development of the creative industry and enhancing the standard of living in Bojonegoro

Date: 23 october 2017

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Submitted together with the organization Gemerlap Hadiah Undian Simpeda 2017 Bojonegoro, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) ditribute again Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) social field

With a total distribution of Rp. 107,508,500.00 for uninhabitable homes (RTLH) for 10 poor people in Meduri village, Bojonegoro and Rp. 120,001,200.00 in the form of sewing equipment to the Department of Industry and Manpower of Bojonegoro Regency for the center of the development of creative industries producing household appliances,

Submitted directly by the Medium Director of the Corporation bankjatim Su'udi to the leader of the Bojonegoro Branch, Wioga Adhiarma Aji who will then be forwarded to the Social Service (for RTLH) and the Office of Industry and Labor (for sewing equipment), bankjatim strives to continue to preserve and grow production home and improve living standards for some residents of Bojonegoro.

The bankjatim CSR distribution target for 2017 is Rp. 18.7 M and up to October 2017 amounting to approximately Rp. 10 M, with dominated distribution for the health sector. bankjatim has 4 (four) areas of CSR distribution, including: Health, Social, Education and Culture