Bank Jatim Cares Help Construction Landmark Simpang 4 Pasuruan City

Date: 09 february 2023

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On the occasion of the 337th Anniversary of Pasuruan City, PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) handed over CSR bankjatim care in the form of Development Assistance and Arrangement of Simpang 4 Panglima Sudirman Area. CSR bankjatim Care is submitted to the Pasuruan City Government as a form of bankjatim's love and concern for the people of East Java for their support and trust in bankjatim. On this occasion, the Director of Micro, Retail and Medium bankjatim (Arief Wicaksono) symbolically handed over the bankjatim care assistance to the Mayor of Pasuruan (H. Syaifullah Yusuf) at the Pasuruan Harmony Building (08/02/2023).

The mayor of Pasuruan, who is often called Gus Ipul, appreciated bankjatim's steps in strengthening the synergy of realizing the concept of Pasuruan City as a MADINAH city (Advanced Economy, Beautiful City, and Harmonious Citizens). "Thank you to bankjatim, hopefully through cooperation and collaboration that has been established so far can provide maximum benefits for all elements of society" said Gus Ipul.

More Details, Arief Wicaksono said that the assistance of the Development and Arrangement of the Simpang 4 Panglima Sudirman Area is expected to effectively form an icon of Pasuruan City which is able to become a magnet to increase the attractiveness of Pasuruan City "We hope that through the assistance program the level of tourist visits to Pasuruan City will increase. The beauty of the landmark can also provide comfort for visitors. Hopefully the construction of Simpang 4 Panglima Sudirman will further strengthen the vision of Pasuruan MADINAH Van Java which is also one of the religious tourist destinations," he explained.

To increase its role in society, bankjatim also constantly innovates by giving birth to a variety of new services. This step was taken to answer the transaction needs of its customers. Some bankjatim services that have proven to be able to provide convenience for the community include QRIS services, Virtual Accounts for payment of local taxes and levies, and the use of JConnect Mobile as an application that is able to facilitate various non-cash payment transactions. "In addition, bankjatim is ready to support the mayor's program in empowering MSMEs and digitalization programs towards the smart city of Pasuruan," Arief concluded.