Bank Jatim and Asabri Synergy For Increase Services To Retiree
Date: 20 december 2018Categories :
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (bankjatim) continues to improve the synergy with State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), this time bankjatim explores cooperation with PT ASABRI (Persero) in the form of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Retiree Payments for Indonesian National Army Soldiers, Members the National Police of Republic Indonesia, and Civil Servants within the Ministry of Defense and National Police of Republic Indonesia.
Located at the head office of PT ASABRI (Persero), the signing of the MoU was carried out directly by the President Director of bankjatim R. Soeroso, Middle Director of Corporations Su'udi and President Director of PT ASABRI (Persero) Sonny Widjaja. The MoU was intended to regulate the Cooperation Agreement for the payment of retiree ndonesian National Army Soldiers, Members the National Police of Republic Indonesia, and Civil Servants within the Ministry of Defense and National Police of Republic Indonesia. bankjatim provides services in the context of payment and accountability of pensioners in a timely manner, exact address, exact person, exact amount and orderly administration. The trust given to Bankjatim is a form of Bankjatim's participation in improving service quality, especially for retired customers.
Up to November 2018, bankjatim has managed 48 thousand retired customers with a total payment of approximately Rp. 147 billion. With this collaboration, it is hoped that it can provide convenience to retirees. This convenience is supported by e-banking facilities such as ATM, sms banking, and mobile banking that has been owned by bankjatim. With this convenience, retirees do not need to queue to the bank to make transactions. Transaction needs such as transfers, credit purchases, payments for water, electricity, and school payments can be done using mobile banking wherever and whenever the retiree is located.