Bank Jatim Achieves A Rating in Sustainability Report 2021

Date: 14 march 2023

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SURABAYA - March 13, 2023. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk or bankjatim (IDX: BJTM) has won the A Rating award in the 2021 Sustainability Report. This achievement was achieved based on the results of the 2021 Sustainability Report study of public companies in Indonesia by the Foundation for International Human Rights Reporting Standards (FIHRRST).

FIHRRST is a foundation that aims to advance the respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights (HAM) founded by a group of influential human rights activists at the national and international levels. Recognizing that Sustainability Reports have become the main communication medium for companies to report their performance and human rights practices to the public, FIHRRST encourages governments and businesses in sustainability reporting that covers environmental, social and governance aspects.

Bank Jatim President Director Busrul Iman explained that the Sustainability Report is the main media to communicate the company's commitment and efforts in managing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects. Of course, good ESG performance in the company will have an impact on the number of investors. This is because more and more investors are asking for a company's ESG reporting.

Sustainability Reporting has also been required in the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 51/2017 for the implementation of sustainable finance for financial services institutions, issuers, and public companies. "In running a company, it is very necessary to have good communication with stakeholders such as the government, investors, customers, partners, and the community," Busrul said. Thus, sustainability reports must be prepared with international standards.

His party is very grateful for having achieved an A rating in this Sustainability Report. This will continue to spur bankjatim to always convey balanced information in accordance with one of the principles emphasized in making Sustainable Reports.

Bankjatim not only conveys the positive benefits of the company in the financial, environmental, and social sectors. But also information related to the risks and challenges faced by the company in achieving sustainability targets.

"We are also committed to continuously improving the quality of transparency in carrying out aspects of sustainability. In line with that commitment, every year we publish a sustainability report as an integral part of the annual report," said Busrul. In accordance with bankjatim's status as a financial services institution, the publication of this report is also a form of compliance with the OJK.

For bankjatim, sustainability is a journey that requires continuous innovation and performance improvement. Given bankjatim as a regionally-owned enterprise (BUMD) that plays an important role in economic growth in East Java.