The 8th bankjatim Participation In Jatim Fair 2016 “Semarak Belanja, Hiburan, dan Rekreasi Keluarga”

Date: 06 october 2016

Categories : All News

Surabaya – October 6, 2016 | Jatim Fair 2016 is a Government Provincial annual event which coincide with final event of the 71st East Java Province Anniversary. In the Exhibition Hall Grand City Surabaya, it raised theme "Splendor Shopping, Entertainment and Recreation Family" (“Semarak Belanja, Hiburan, dan Rekreasi”). This largest exhibition in Eastern Indonesia held from 6-16 October 2016 is expected to be a means of promotion and improvement of micro, small, and medium scale business (UMKM) doer commercial transactions, being a barometer of the strength of the competitiveness of UMKM products on display, as well as being an entertainment, shopping, and family recreation. During 11 (eleven) days of its execution, Jatim Fair 2016 invited many capital city artists, such as Tulus, Ari Lasso, Geisha, etc., to enliven the exhibition.

In this 2016, is the 8th that bankjatim participated in the Jatim Fair since 2009. The consistency of bankjatim in supporting Jatim Fair is based on the positive impact on the promotion and corporate image of bankjatim. By cooperating the UMKM sector customers of 17 (seventeen) branches, such as Banyuwangi, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Bojonegoro, Batu, Pamekasan, and other areas with some varied products ranging from the Birdcage, Batik Fabric, Handicrafts, until Snacks, bankjatim hoped that Jatim Fair 2016 was capable to open the marketing opportunities for its customers and bigger corporation bankjatim business opportunities.

With a sales transaction targets from the organizers in the amount of Rp 57 billion along exhibitions and 600 exhibition booths that are provided, the Director of bankjatim, R. Soeroso expected can feel too the business atmosphere of the event to third part funds increasing (DPK) and bankjatim canalization credit, especially credit for UMKM.

In the third quarter 2016, bankjatim succeed recording the gross profit by Rp 1140 trillion, and savings increasing by Rp 12,24 million or increasing in the amount of 9,56% (YoY). It is important to known, that bankjatim performance in the third quarter were above the average growth of national commercial banks.

With more complete and sophisticated financial technology that owned by bankjatim, such as SMS Banking, Internet Banking, and the latest is Mobile Banking, there is no excuse for not transact in bankjatim.