Split Welcomes Night Management Bank Jatim, Spreading The spirit Continue The Corporate Ideals

Date: 20 april 2015

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Farewell Party BOC & BOD Bank Jatim

As a follow up to the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) bankjatim Fiscal Year 2014, including replacement of management sets the company, then bankjatim held a warm-hearted together Commissioners and Board of Directors and the entire Family of bankjatim housed in Bromo Room 5th floor bankjatim Head Office (17/4).

This event is intended as a farewell event management at the same time welcome the new management bankjatim newly elected according to the decision AGM Fiscal Year 2014.

Attended by all the Leaders Division, Branch and several other bankjatim invitation, warm-hearted event is packed with exciting treats featuring performances by a diverse and full memorable entertainment from employees of bankjatim.

On that night, the management has entered retirement from his position as President Commissioner Muljanto, Commissioner Chairul Djaelani, Medium Business & Corporate Director Djoko Lesmono and President Director bankjatim Hadi Sukrianto that in the next period will be served as one of the Commissioners bankjatim, are alternately giving speech and their testimonial about over the decades work in bankjatim.

Not only that, in that event the management also contributed theri voice and entertaining invitation to sing a song memories as an offering before leaving office.

As Medium Business & Corporate Director Djoko Lesmono, at that night sing a song of Michael Buble's "Home", which is able to make the audience deeply moved.

"Please take care of this office .., it's time to me to go home, let me go home .. "Djoko said before singing a song that immediately greeted by applause from the guests.

While Akhmad Sukardi newly elected as Commissioner bankjatim as GMS decisions for financial year 2014 trusted as a representative bankjatim management to deliver a speech.

"Thanks and gratefully are so large should we to say to those who have entered a period of full duty, because with their services anyway bankjatim able to grow and develop as today. It is our collective duty to continue their ideals which makes bankjatim as the best banks, "said Akhmad Sukardi.

In that event specifically bankjatim also provide souvenirs as a memento for the management who have retired in the form of paintings interesting caricatures.

Not only there, exclusively bankjatim also presents a very interesting event such as musical entertainment from Baja band (Bank Jatim Band) from Jember Branch, theatrical performance parody, flashmob, until the playback video impressions and messages from employees to management bankjatim. All talent original from bankjatim.

"Thank you sir, for science, attention, and guidance has been given so far. Our task is now to move on bankjatim to continue to be the best. Good luck always, "said Harjuni Leader HR Division as one of the initiators of the event which closed with the song "Kemesraan" from Iwan Fals being sung together. (cap)